EXTENDED!!! HPO Conference Abstract Submission Deadline is now August 20, 2018

Health Promotion Ontario 2018 Annual Conference theme: Breaking New Ground

One of the key goals of Health Promotion Ontario is to advance the critical importance of health promotion through advocacy, knowledge exchange, and professional development for its membership. This year’s conference is intended to serve as a forum for practitioners, researchers, and students to come together to learn about and critically reflect on the ways that important social issues are forcing the field of health promotion to “break new ground”.


We invite you to participate by sharing your experiences, research, initiatives and other ideas that explore the various ways that Health Promotion can initiate and respond to emerging paradigms, practices, and issues such as

  • truth & reconciliation
  • health promotion and technology
  • cannabis legalization
  • active transportation
  • climate change
  • health promotion and physical & social environments
  • mental health
  • grass roots outreach & community-based health promotion

Abstracts on other important social issues will also be considered.

All abstracts should demonstrate collaboration and knowledge exchange amongst those working in public health, other health organizations, and non-health based organizations.


We invite abstracts describing 15-minute presentations, 45-minute workshops, 45-minute panel discussions, and poster presentations. Abstracts must be submitted as an email attachment to healthpromotionontario@gmail.com by 4:30pm on August 20, 2018.

Formatting requirements:

  • MS Word format, maximum of 500 words
  • Title
  • List of presenters (names, job titles, phone, email)
  • Summary
    • Workshops: State purpose and learning objectives. Highlight how workshop will be interactive and what proportion of the time will involve audience participation.
    • Presentations: State purpose and learning objectives
    • Panel Discussions: State purpose and learning objectives. Summarize the how the composition of panel members will be inter-disciplinary.
  • Funding support (where appropriate)
  • Type of abstract (workshop, presentation, or panel discussion)


45 Minute Workshop

Workshops will be 45 minutes in length including time for discussion and questions, and will allow for a presenter or team of presenters to provide skill development, professional development, or a more in-depth presentation relevant to the research or practice themes.  Workshops must provide opportunities for attendees to participate, build skills and network. Therefore, the format proposed must be interactive and allow a significant amount of audience participation.


15 Minute Research Presentation

A concurrent session will consist of no more than four different concurrent presentations each being a maximum of 15 minutes. It is recommended that concurrent presentations include no more than two presenters. However, additional team members may be available to respond. Presentations should focus on the research and practice themes.


45 Minute Panel Discussion

Proposals from those who would like to facilitate a panel discussion are welcomed. Panels may consist of 3-5 members (including Panel Chair) and should be inter-disciplinary in composition. Proposals may address any of the topics falling within the scope of the conference theme.


Poster Presentation

The poster session will include proposals for future research, overview of current research, and findings from studies related to health promotion. The poster will be on display throughout the day and there will be designated presentation times for attendees to view the posters.

Requirements: 48 inches X 48 inches maximum

Information to include: Title, Authors, Department, Organization or School, Primary e-mail contact

REMINDER: DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION:  August 20, 2018 at 4:30pm. Please submit as an email attachment to healthpromotionontario@gmail.com

Notice: You will receive notice of acceptance within 4 weeks of the submission deadline.

*HPO is unable to cover the costs of registration for presenters. Presenters are required to pay for their own registration for HPO Conference.